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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Hello, Beijing" is a warm and realistic film directed by Cao Qianqian. It tells the experience of the three protagonists in Bei Piao. So when will this film be released? Is it based on a true story?

The film is scheduled for November 18, 2022. The protagonists are a middle-aged entrepreneur, a courier and a young singer. They have three different struggle experiences. The combination of their hard work and hard work shows the spirit of unremitting struggle for a better life in the new era.

It is reported that this film is based on real stories. The director wants to inspire everyone to run forward through the dream-chasing stories of the three protagonists in the film. Don’t be afraid of difficulties and setbacks. can be realised.

Li Mingqi, played by An Zehao, is a middle-aged entrepreneur. He is low-key and very tenacious. He will solve all kinds of problems that arise in the process of starting a business. Life is like starting a business. Dreams will come true only when you are frustrated and courageous. Cowardice and retreat will never be rewarded.

Liu Shun, played by Li Feiran, is a courier brother. The most inseparable industry nowadays is express delivery. Although Liu Shun does not have a strong background, he can do his job best by relying on his own strength. What a shameful thing, there may be many thorns on the road to realize your dreams, but as long as you uphold your original intention and move forward bravely, you will succeed one day. People in any industry have the right to pursue their dreams.

Yan Nan played by Liu Ben is a very talented musician. He has a great musical dream. In order to realize his dream, Yan Nan came to Beijing to work hard. During this process, he encountered many obstacles, but Yan Nan did not give up. He feels that one day he will become an excellent musician and develop according to the normal rhythm. Li Mingqi, Liu Shun and Yan Nan should finally realize their dreams.