






【英文介绍/For English】:

How many episodes of Chi Dao Duan Yucheng's decathlon

1. Duan Yucheng's decathlon in "Chi Dao" is the 12th episode. After the competition, Duan Yucheng won the 100-meter championship. At this time, Luo Na asked Duan Yucheng if he would like to switch to the decathlon.

2. Duan Yucheng likes high jump the most, and his sprint speed is very good, but because of his height, his dream of high jump is very difficult.

3. Duan Yucheng's ability to train the decathlon is the result of Luo Na's unremitting efforts.

Chi Dao Luo Na found out that she had feelings for Duan Yucheng, the first few episodes

1. The 7th episode of "Chi Dao" where Lorna finds out that she has feelings for Duan Yucheng. Luo Na is a coach, and Duan Yucheng is an athlete. During the day and night together, Luo Na has a different feeling for Duan Yucheng.