最近有很多热心网友都十分关心冰雨火余总是杨兴权吗 大反派上线林局终归是错付了这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「薄荷糖*」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。









【英文介绍/For English】:

"Ice Rain and Fire" Yang Xingquan gave people a very pitiful feeling in the early stage. Just when everyone thought that his family was ruined because of a drug criminal, Yang Xingquan finally showed his true colors in the latest plot. It turns out that Mr. Yu, the leader of Mengjia, is Yang Xingquan, and Yang Xingquan is the big drug lord who has been hiding the deepest.

Mr. Yu in "Bing Yu Huo" is Yang Xingquan's nickname on Mengjia's side. He and Mengjia's sister Qiong are still lovers. The most surprising thing is that Yang Xingquan didn't start getting involved in drugs when he lost his wife and fled to Mengjia. He was involved in drugs from the very beginning, and he was used and deceived by the Forestry Bureau from the beginning to the end.

The reason why he reported those drug criminals to the Forestry Bureau was actually to get rid of his competitors in Yunhe drug trafficking. He used the police to eliminate his drug dealer competitors one by one, but he never wanted to be retaliated by other drug criminals. As a result, his wife died tragically at the hands of drug criminals.

Yang Xingquan fled to Mengka, where he continued to make and sell drugs, and also met Qiongjie, the daughter of the big drug lord. Later, the big drug lord was killed by other armed forces. Yang Xingquan rescued Sister Qiong. After that, they made a comeback and opened up a new drug trafficking group in Mengjia.

Yang Xingquan returned to the territory and pretended to recognize Yang Ling. At the same time, he won the trust of the Forest Bureau by relying on the Forest Bureau's guilt towards him. The Guangming Mountain Tea Factory he opened in Yunhe County is actually a place where drugs are produced and sold.

For a long time, the audience's doubts about Yang Xingquan are not wrong, and Liu Yijun really failed to break the law of villains in this drama. This time, Yang Xingquan, who he played in "Ice Rain and Fire", is indeed a big drug lord and a big villain.

It's just that the only ones who make people feel sympathetic are Bureau Lin and Yang Ling. One of them is an old friend who trusts him the most, and the other is his biological daughter who respects him the most, but Yang Xingquan deceived them.

In the latest plot, Yang Xingquan has been exposed, and even Chen Yu has begun to doubt him. I hope Yang Xingquan can be caught as soon as possible, and his true colors can be exposed as soon as possible.