


3、衣锦夜行真名叫于善鹏,他是Team WE电子竞技俱乐部炉石传说分部队员,他是石传说职业玩家,也是斗鱼主播。

【英文介绍/For English】:

1. 810975 is a game meme, which is an event related to games.

2. During the live broadcast on August 10, Hearthstone anchor Yijin Yexing set a record. He ate 9 chickens a night, ate 7 chickens, and 5 of them were even chickens.

3. Yijin Yexing's real name is Yu Shanpeng. He is a member of the Hearthstone Division of the Team WE e-sports club. He is a professional player of Stone Legend and a host of Douyu.