






【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Punishment a unit drama?

1. "Punishment" is not a unit drama. It mainly tells the story of two generations of public security officers fighting wits and courage with the evil forces headed by the Zhao family in order to maintain the safety of one side.

2. The protagonist, Chang Zheng, is a young criminal policeman. During the process of investigating the truth about his father's death, he gradually revealed the illegal facts of the criminal group.

3. Justice will be late but will not be absent. After the efforts of Chang Zheng's public security officers, the cancer of the Zhao family was finally eradicated.

Who killed Zhao Pengcheng?

The story told in "Punishment" is a contest between good and evil. Changwu's forces are intertwined. The evil forces headed by the Zhao family have covered the sky of Changwu. The death of Zhao Pengcheng makes the plot more tense and suspenseful. Who is it? What about Zhao Pengcheng who was killed?