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【英文介绍/For English】:

The hot pot game of "This Is Street Dance 5" is officially launched, and Wang Yibo's eating and broadcasting that everyone is looking forward to is also started, but the latest hot pot game Wang Yibo only played for a few minutes, showed off a few plates of beef, and then left. Why did Wang Yibo leave the hotpot bureau early? I haven't seen enough of Yibo's eating and broadcasting, why did I leave?

"This Is Hip-hop 5" aired the hot pot episode on August 21. Because Wang Yibo had to shoot a micro-movie, he was in a hurry, so after eating a few plates of beef, he left in a hurry. I haven't seen enough of the scenes.

As the captain of "This Is Hip-Hop 5", Wang Yibo has joined as the captain for the third time. After two seasons of programs, Wang Yibo in the latest season is still very rigorous about hip-hop professional knowledge, and he is also very concerned about the performances of the contestants. Especially seeing the old teammates Bubu, Yang Kai, Ye Yin and others, they are very pampered.

Wang Yibo is a very conscientious captain. He also has his own standards for selecting players. He will go straight to the goal with the style of dance he wants, and he will guide the players in the areas they are good at in advance, so that the players can give full play to their talents. , In addition, he can condense the unity of the players, and his leadership ability is very strong.

In addition, everyone also likes Wang Yibo's eating and broadcasting in the hot pot bureau very much. This is another kind of benefit. As a boy in his twenties, Wang Yibo's food is not only pleasing to the eye, but also makes the audience even more appetizing. After all, for many people Let's say that seeing a young man who is very happy eating, his mood will also improve.

In the hot pot game, the audience can not only see the respective preferences of the captains, but also like the program group often doing things, games, quick questions and quick answers, and some very surprising small arrangements are very reasonable, fans watch in front of the screen Seeing the captains' professional comments on the dance, the hot pot bureau saw them relaxing in private.

Although Wang Yibo played relatively little time in the hot pot game on August 21, it does not hinder everyone's expectations for his next appearance.