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【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Broken Bridge" will be released nationwide on August 13, 2022. In this movie, Wang Junkai changed his previous image and played a fugitive who fled and looked dirty. Before watching this film, many people may not know why Meng Chao escaped in "Broken Bridge".

Meng Chao played by Wang Junkai in "Broken Bridge" is a fugitive who has been on the run for eight years. He accidentally killed someone, but that person deserves to die. Meng Chao stabbed to death the village tyrant who violated his sister, and her sister was gone. He had no relatives and was responsible for the murder, so he had no choice but to flee.

During these eight years, there was no smile on Meng Chao's face anymore. In order to make a living, he could only pick up trash, learn how to repair cars, and make himself miserable in order to barely survive.

Wang Junkai has the courage to break through himself in this film, because he plays Meng Chao as a fugitive hiding in hiding, so his image in the film is often very thin and sloppy, with a dark face, oily hair, and clothes always It's dirty, and he's never seen smiling.

Meng Chao in "Broken Bridge" feels a bit gloomy, but in fact his heart is cleaner and kinder than many pious guys. His sharp eyes and gloomy appearance are just his protective colors.

This kind of Meng Chao met Wen Xiaoyu who had a similar experience with him. Meng Chao didn't want Wen Xiaoyu to become like himself and live a dark life forever. "I've already lost a sister, and I don't want you to do that", because he's been through it, and he knows all too well what it's like.

In order to play the role of Meng Chao, Wang Junkai will try his best to immerse himself in the role when he is not filming. Moreover, in order to make himself look more suitable for the role, he deliberately lost weight, learned how to repair cars, did not wash his hair for a few days, and experienced Meng Chao's life for himself.