






【英文介绍/For English】:

Is the agarwood such as shavings and pale face strong or weak?

1. "Agarwood Like Chips" Yan Dan and Zhixi are twin flowers. After they transform into human forms, Yan Dan belongs to the strong side, and Zhixi belongs to the weak side.

2. Originally, the relationship between Yan Dan and Zhixi is very good, but if one of the two sisters is excellent and the other is not, and someone picks things up, the relationship between the two sisters will naturally become tense.

3. What is even more unexpected is that both Yan Dan and Zhixi fell in love with Ying Yuan, and the two sisters turned against each other because of this.

What kind of flower is agarwood like crumbs Yangzi

1. The original body of Yan Dan played by Yang Zi in "Agarwood Like Crumbs" is Four Leaf Han, which is the lotus in everyone's mouth, and the lotus is also called water lotus.