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Come on mom, is Zhu Luxi with the skating coach?

1. Zhu Luxi in "Come on Mom" ​​is not with skating coach Yang. Zhu Luxi has grown up after her husband's betrayal. She wants to support herself and her daughter with her own ability, and she also wants to test how much her potential is.

2. Zhu Luxi got acquainted with the skating coach because her daughter attended cram school. Coach Yang likes Zhu Luxi, but Zhu Luxi is not interested in emotional matters now, so she rejected Coach Yang.

3. Although Coach Yang was rejected, he still did not give up in his heart, and he and Zhu Luxi are now friends.

Come on, mother Yang Shuo is here to snatch the child?

1. "Come on Mom" ​​Yang Shuo is here to snatch the child. Yang Shuo has been married for many years abroad, but his wife is sick and unable to bear children. After Yang Shuo knew that Zhou Nannan had given birth to his child, he put so much effort into getting close to Xiaoyang, hoping to give birth to the child. received abroad.