

角斗士 (2000) …Proximo
临别狂想曲 (1999) …Jamie Campbell-Stewart
Jeremiah (1998) …General Safan
马可波罗游记 (1998) …Captain Cornelius Donovan
The Bruce (1996) …Bishop Wisharton
狂笑风暴 (1995) …Dolly Hopkins
The Who's Tommy, the Amazing Journey (1993) …Frank Hobbs (archive footage) (uncredited)
再生惊魂 (1992) …Doctor Hans Vaughan
Prisoner of Honor (1991) …Gen. de Boisdeffre
娇娃雇佣兵 (1990) …Michael Bartos
蒙特卡罗的幽灵 (1990) …The Rajah
金银岛 (1990) …Capt. Billy Bones
The House of Usher (1989) …Roderick Usher
浪漫骑士 (1989) …Sir Phillip Gage
复仇者 (1989) …Jack Fisher
三剑客续集 (1989) …Athos
Captive Rage (1988) …General Belmondo
吹牛大王历险记 (1988) …Vulcan
骷髅海岸 (1987) …Capt. Simpson
纳粹特攻队 (1987) …The General
Captive (1986) …Gregory Le Vay
Castaway (1986) …Gerald Kingsland
克里斯托弗·哥伦布 (1985) …Martin Pinzon
新荡女花妮 (1983) …Mr. Edward Widdlecome
骗中骗2 (1983) …Doyle Lonnegan
两情相悦 (1983) …Beasley
魔鬼访客 (1982) …Dave Averconnelly
飞鹰人 (1981) …Krokov
大地雄狮 (1981) …Gen. Rodolfo Graziani
夺命怪胎 (1979) …Dr. Hal Raglan
夜长梦多 (1978) …Eddie Mars
王子与乞丐 (1977)
伟大的童子军 (1976) …Joe Knox
燃尽的祭奠品 (1976) …Ben Rolf
告密 (1976) …Gabriel Lee
Royal Flash (1975) …Otto von Bismarck
冲破黑暗谷 (1975) …Frank Hobbs
李斯特狂 (1975) …Princess Carolyn's Servant (uncredited)
生死剑侠 (1974) …Athos
童谣凶杀案 (1974) …Hugh Lombard
马勒传 (1974) …Train Conductor
转轮手枪 (1973) …Vito Cipriani
豪情三剑客 (1973) …Athos
战俘与逃兵 (1972) …Sergeant
Z.P.G. (1972) …Russ McNeil
恶魔 (1971) …Urbain Grandier
The Hunting Party (1971) …Frank Calder
小兵打胜战 (1969) …Stephen 'Hannibal' Brooks
恋爱中的女人 (1969) …Gerald Crich
国际暗杀局 (1969) …Ivan Dragomiloff
奥利弗 (1968) ……Bill Sikes
The Shuttered Room (1967) … Ethan
血海情驽 (1965) …Ali Khan
派对结束了 (1965) …Moise
The System (1964) …Tinker
The Damned (1963) …King
发狂 (1963) …Simon Ashby
猩红的刀刃 (1963)…Capt. Tom Sylvester
恶夜迷魂 (1962) …Harry Cobtree
The Rebel (1961) …Artist in Cafe
寂寞的男人 (1961) …Man with Bucket on His Head (uncredited)
狼人的诅咒 (1961) …Leon Corledo
怒而不发 (1960) …Mick
吉柯博士的两副面孔 (1960) …Nightclub Bouncer
The League of Gentlemen (1959) …Chorus boy (uncredited)
楼上楼下 (1959) …(uncredited)
第三人 (1959) …Pepi (2 episodes, 1959-1964)
垮掉的女孩 (1959) …Plaid Shirt
隐形人 (1958) …Cafe Patron (2 episodes, 1959)
真正的钉子 (1958) …(uncredited)