






【英文介绍/For English】:

What's wrong with Du Changfeng's eyes in Menghualu

1. Du Changfeng's eyes in "Menghualu" are not myopia, but night blindness. When Sanniang chatted with Chen Lian, she knew that Du Changfeng's eyes were fine before, but then she gradually couldn't see clearly, especially when it was dark.

2. Sanniang also saw Du Changfeng hit the pillar with her own eyes. She felt that Du Changfeng's eyes were not myopia but night blindness. After prescribing the right medicine, his eye disease was cured.

3. Du Changfeng was often bullied because he could not see clearly. Sanniang took great care of his eye disease and finally cured him.

What is Menghualu Fire Coral?

1. In "Menghua Lu", the fire coral is a hairpin, and it is also a Nanyang product. When Gu Qianfan was investigating the night banquet pictures in the south of the Yangtze River, he accidentally bought a fire coral head hairpin. The style is small and realistic. The key price is very cheap, so he Know about Zheng Qingtian's sea ban.