





【英文介绍/For English】:

Which platform is New Oriental's bilingual live broadcast on?

1. New Oriental's bilingual live broadcast is on the Douyin platform. You can search for "Oriental Selection". You can see that the popularity of New Oriental’s bilingual live broadcast is not accidental. Their anchor Dong Yuhui has culture and connotation. In addition to explaining the products to us, he can also instill some ideas in us.

2. Consumers are more willing to understand such an anchor with thought and connotation. No matter what he sells, we like to hear him say a few words, even if we don't buy anything.

What time does New Oriental Dong Yuhui broadcast live

1. New Oriental Dong Yuhui's live broadcast time is 7 o'clock every day. Dong Yuhui is an anchor selected by Dongfang. His fluent English, his ability to speak well, and his funny features, plus the bilingual introduction of products in Chinese and English, made him a hit on the Internet.