很多朋友对于梦华录欧阳旭为什么陷害赵盼儿?《梦华录》欧阳旭陷害赵盼儿是因为曾经是赵盼儿逼着自和不太懂,今天就由小编︶ ̄ゞ贪恋来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

Why did Ouyang Xu frame Zhao Pan'er in Menghualu

1. Ouyang Xu framed Zhao Pan'er in "Meng Hua Lu" because it was Zhao Pan'er who forced him to leave Tokyo to work. During that time, Ouyang Xu suffered from the cold eyes of others.

2. Ouyang Xu had no intention of marrying Zhao Pan'er at all. After experiencing all these hardships, he hoped to marry Gao Hui even more and be the son-in-law of the Gao family.

3. After returning to Beijing, Ouyang Xu began to frame Zhao Pan'er in order to avenge her harm to him.

Meng Hualu Qi Mu's official position

1. Qi Mu in "Meng Hua Lu" was an official of the fifth grade or above in the Northern Song Dynasty. Qi Mu came out wearing a red official uniform, and it can be recognized by the color of the civil servant's clothing that Qi Mu belongs to the fifth rank or above. 2. Qi Mu belongs to the Qing school, and has always wanted to deal with Xiao Qinyan, who is a queen party. He used Gu Qianfan's status in the Imperial City Division to do things for himself, and he is a bad person.