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【英文介绍/For English】:

Zheng Dongni and Fang Jinghui went to Germany after getting married, but they didn’t expect Dong Ni to return to China and divorce Fang Jinghui in less than two years. The key point was that Xi Jue found Dong Ni who was going to have an abortion in the hospital. Xi Jue was very puzzled. Dong Ni and What happened to Fang Jinghui? Why did he have to get a divorce? Dong Ni just emphasized that Fang Jinghui cheated, and that he and he couldn't get along, and didn't elaborate on the rest. Until Fang Jinghui returned to China and came to Zheng's house, the divorce battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out.

Fang Jinghui fell in love with Dong Ni at first sight, and then began to pursue. The two quickly fell in love, got married, and went to Germany after marriage. Pregnant, Dong Ni had long said that she would only marry and not have children, but Fang Jinghui deliberately changed her pills for the sake of the child, and after knowing that she was pregnant, she insisted on letting her give birth.

At the moment when she learned that she was deceived, Dong Ni had doubts about Fang Jinghui in her heart. Is his liking and love for her true? The contradiction behind the flash marriage was thus revealed.

Dong Ni returned to China, and then went to the hospital to abort the child, but because there were no relatives around, general anesthesia was not allowed. At this time, Dong Ni happened to meet Xi Jue, who was kind and very grateful. Child, his first reaction was no, whether the operation would harm her body, the child is innocent, and he didn't want Dong Ni to regret it.

Dong Ni and Xi Jue told everything about their marriage. Dong Ni liked to talk to Xi Jue about her troubles and sufferings since she was a child. This time too, she was very happy when she first heard about Fang Jinghui's proposal because she could get rid of her bad native family. But now that Fang Jinghui deceived herself, is it retribution? She is destined not to be happy. Dong Ni cried out about the conflicts in her marriage with Fang Jinghui, so she must divorce and get rid of these people who hurt her.

Fang Jinghui rushed back from abroad to persuade Dong Ni not to divorce, but Dong Ni's character is stubborn, Fang Jinghui said that if you want to divorce, you will not get a cent of the children and money, and the old love will be gone.