






【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Ariel Lin's husband a rich man?

1. Ariel Lin's husband, Yuchao Lin, is not a wealthy family, but a rich second generation. Lin Yichen's husband is Lin Yuchao, and his family makes diving equipment. He has a company in Taiwan and a branch in California, USA.

2. Lin Yuchao's family conditions are not bad, he can be regarded as a typical tall, rich and handsome, and Lin Yichen became friends because of their like-mindedness, and then fell in love and got married.

3. Lin Yuchao is in charge of the business in California, USA, and has been staying overseas for a long time.

Are Lin Yichen and He Junxiang in love?

Lin Yichen and He Junxiang have never been in love. Lin Yichen and He Junxiang are partners. They have worked together in "Love Contract" and "We Are Not Kind enough". They are friends.