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Who succeeded Liu Ziye to the throne after his death?

After Liu Ziye's death, Liu Yu, King of Eastern Hunan, inherited his throne. Liu Ziye was the emperor and also the deposed emperor of the Southern Dynasty. He had not been in power for a long time, all of this was due to his being too lewd and immoral, and he was directly abolished by his own emperor's uncle. Liu Yu kept a low profile and endured too much humiliation from Liu Ziye, but he had been secretly arranging it. Later, he united with those who resisted Liu Ziye, overthrew Liu Ziye's tyranny, and became emperor himself.

"Phoenix Prison Phoenix" Liu Ziye is the sixth emperor of the Southern Dynasty, the son of Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun of the Song Dynasty. In 464, Liu Jun passed away and Liu Ziye inherited the throne. Interested in eating, drinking and having fun.

After Liu Ziye became the emperor, his personality changed a lot. He was tyrannical and killed Zhongliang wantonly, especially the loyal ministers were killed wantonly, which made the court panic. After eating pig food for a year and enduring humiliation for a year, he succeeded in rebellion. In the name of the Empress Dowager, he forged an imperial edict and ascended the throne.

Why Liu Chuyu is called Master Liu Ziye

Liu Chuyu called Master Liu Ziye, which is the pet name of her elder sister for her younger brother. Master is equivalent to a nickname. Liu Chuyu is Liu Ziye's elder sister, and she has been very dependent on her since she was a child. , come and go freely in the palace, and can also participate in the affairs of the previous dynasty.