很多朋友对于冰雨火最新消息定档第二季度 网友期待的雷阵雨要来了和不太懂,今天就由小编嫣然回眸来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Ice Rain and Fire" co-operated by Chen Xiao and Wang Yibo is finally coming. In the latest investment promotion information, we can see that its broadcast time is the second quarter of 2022. It is now the end of April, and the second quarter is already halfway through, so The broadcast time is definitely not far away, and fans are also secretly delighted, "Bing Yu Huo" will definitely meet the audience soon.

"Bing Yu Huo" is a film and television drama with anti-drug theme. The addition of powerful actors such as Chen Xiao, Wang Jinsong, and Liu Yijun makes the drama more interesting. Wang Yibo also plays the leading role in the drama, and this is his first time as a policeman. Every word and deed is full of charm. As an anti-narcotics policeman, his belief and sense of responsibility all infect the audience.

"Bing Yu Huo" is a two-male criminal investigation bureau starring Chen Xiao and Wang Yibo. The two cooperate to fight against drug traffickers. , In addition, this is also Wang Yibo's first repertoire since he became popular.

"Bing Yu Huo" was completed in September 2022, and it has been almost 2 years now. It may be because of the subject matter that the drama has not been released. Once the wolf came, and fans asked when "Bing Yu Huo" will be broadcast?

We all know that good things are never too late, but we are still looking forward to the transformation of our idol. First of all, let alone Wang Yibo's action scenes in "Bing Yu Huo". The character has a brother bond, and has emotional entanglement with the character played by Guo Xiaoting. In addition, he himself focuses on the anti-drug business, so the content of the drama should not be too rich.

There is a huge market for criminal investigation and suspense dramas at the moment. The popularity of the previously released "Sweeping Black Storm" and "The Hidden Corner" is enough to show the popularity of this type of drama. We also believe that "Ice Rain and Fire" will surprise us , will let us see the efforts of every member of the show.