






【英文介绍/For English】:

What does this little fish care about?

1. This little fish cares about an article in a primary school Chinese textbook. After the tide receded, many small fish were trapped in small puddles on the beach. A little boy picked them up one by one and returned to the sea. A man said so There are so many to pick up, but the little boy said that this little fish cares, this one cares, this one also cares...

2. No matter how small a good thing is, as long as you do it, it will condense into a big force and encourage people.

3. This little fish caring is also the name of the university's scholarship, very warm.

How did Xiaoyu Haitang and her boyfriend meet

On January 7th, Xiaoyu Haitang’s photographer Rhubarb announced that there would be a major event announced. Unexpectedly, this big event was Xiaoyu Haitang’s engagement. Xiaoyu Haitang still reviewed the process of meeting and falling in love with her boyfriend on her video platform. Judging from the photos, Xiaoyu Haitang's boyfriend is tall and handsome, and feels very secure.