






【英文介绍/For English】:

What does it mean to keep silent at the end?

The final ending of "Keep Silent": Jimmy held Duan Mulan hostage and wanted to die with her, but after knowing that Duan Mulan was pregnant, Jimmy let her go and jumped off the stairs by himself. Jimmy died, everything was over, Duan Mulan and Wu Zheng reconciled and came together again.

The story begins with the murder of the famous singer Wan Wenfang in the dressing room. Only Jimmy was present. Duan Mulan was in charge of the case and became Jimmy's defense lawyer. What Duan Mulan needed to do was to defend Jimmy's innocence, so she and Prosecutor Oh Jung has a heated discussion. With the in-depth investigation of this case, it was revealed that Jimmy was actually Wan Wenfang's illegitimate son, and the nature of this case also changed.

The truth of the case became even more confusing, and then Wan Wenfang's agent intervened in the case. What he said made the case turn 180 degrees in an instant. More and more, and the final truth of the case is also very surprising.

Keep silent why Zhou Xun plays two roles

Zhou Xun's two roles in "Keep Silent" is meaningful. Duan Mulan and Wan Wenfang played by Zhou Xun represent the two sides of a person. In the film, Duan Mulan is a lawyer and she is a career-oriented woman; For a more traditional woman, these two roles are a bit opposite, and it will be better to let one person play it.