很多朋友对于国王排名国王死后的恶魔是什么 国王体内的恶魔怎么来的和不太懂,今天就由小编屋顶,数星星来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!



【英文介绍/For English】:

1. The devil appeared after the death of the king in "Ranking of Kings" because he made a deal with the devil. The demon transferred its powerful power to the king, and the king burst out of energy when fighting against the orcs, defeated the orcs, and protected the village.

2. In "King Ranking", the king made a deal with the devil when he was young, so that he will have the ability that others cannot defeat. The devil appeared after the king died.