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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "One Life and One Life", Zhou Wenchuan and Zhou Wenxing are twins, but Zhou Wenxing attacked Zhou Wenxing, which is puzzling, so why did Zhou Wenchuan harm Zhou Wenxin? The two of them are brothers and sisters, and Zhou Wenxing has been in poor health, recuperating in the old house, which will not cause any resistance to Zhou Wenchuan taking over the business. Why did Zhou Wenchuan attack Zhou Wenxing? What exactly does he want to do?

It is reported that the reason why Zhou Wenchuan attacked Zhou Wenxing was to use Zhou Wenxing's illness to delay the wedding of Zhou Shengchen and Shiyi. After Zhou Shengchen's wedding, he will officially take over the Zhou family. Hand it over to Zhou Shengchen. Zhou Wenchuan didn't want to give the duck he got to others, and he knew that the police were watching him now. If we let everyone focus on Zhou Wenxing's operation, he would have time to deal with those who have problems. problematic accounts.

In order to achieve his own goals, Zhou Wenchuan did not hesitate to use his own sister to change her examination data, which caused Zhou Wenxing to miss the best time for surgery. Then her condition deteriorated and she died after rescue. The child came to save his life, and then threatened Shi Yi with a knife. It has to be said that Zhou Wenchuan had done too many bad things, and Zhou Shengchen had borne with him before and did not do anything to him, but Zhou Wenchuan pushed his limits, Hurt Zhou Wenxing, Zhou Wenchuan couldn't bear it, so in the end Zhou Shengchen no longer tolerated it, and started his own counterattack, and Zhou Wenchuan also got his own retribution, falling from upstairs and dying on the spot.

Zhou Wenchuan deserved what he deserved, but this ending is still a bit too good for him. After all, Zhou Wenchuan hurt so many people, but he was not severely punished by the law and died directly. This is a kind of relief for Zhou Wenchuan. But those who were hurt because of him are still immersed in sadness. Although Zhou Shengchen and Zhou Wenxing were not born to the same mother, they had a very good relationship. When Zhou Wenxing died, Zhou Shengchen was devastated.