






【英文介绍/For English】:

Does Yulouchun have novels?

"Jade House Spring" has no novels. This drama is not an adaptation of the original novel, but an original script by Yu Zheng. It focuses on the love experience of the hero and heroine, and tells the story of how Lin Shaochun, the housekeeper's daughter, conquered people's hearts and achieved a fulfilling life in the Sun family.

The screenwriter and producer of the play are both Yu Zheng, and the overall style of painting fits Yu Zheng's style very well. The heroine Lin Shaochun entered the opera troupe to learn opera after her family was ruined. By chance, she met Sun Yulou, a son of a rich family. Sun Yulou fell in love with Lin Shaochun at first sight. In order to get close to Lin Shaochun, he tried every means.

Lin Shaochun didn't care about the love of her children, her wish was to avenge her father, after Sun Yulou learned about it, she secretly helped Lin Shaochun, even though the Sun family prevented them from coming and going, Sun Yulou still didn't give up, Lin Shaochun was moved by his affection, and the two walked together At the same time, after Lin Shaochun married into the Sun family, he knew that his father-in-law Sun Xun was the chief culprit who killed his family.

The identity of Lin Shaochun in Yulouchun

In "Jade House Spring", Lin Shaochun is the daughter of Lin Yuandao. Back then, Lin Yuandao was framed for corruption and his family was ruined. Lin Shaochun managed to escape under the protection of her nanny. In order to avenge her father, she concealed her identity and entered a troupe to learn art. She met Sun Yulou, the fourth son of the Sun family. The two began a complicated relationship Love and Hatred.