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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "I'm Good in a Foreign Land", Ji Nanjia has a successful career and has worked hard to achieve her own achievements in Beijing. She is very good, but because she is in her thirties and has no boyfriend, she is urged to marry by her family. In fact, Ji Nanjia She also wants to fall in love. She didn't find a boyfriend before because she had cancer. Now that she has successfully fought cancer, Ji Nanjia also began to yearn for love. In fact, Ji Nanjia has emotional scenes in the play, and her cp is Ouyang. Many people are curious, is Ji Nanjia and Ouyang together in "I'm doing well in another land"? The two of them work and live in different environments, so how did they know each other?

It is reported that Ji Nanjia and Ouyang finally got together. Although the two are sisters and younger brothers, and the age difference is relatively large, Ji Nanjia also had a lot of concerns at the beginning, but Ouyang dispelled Ji Nanjia's hesitation with practical actions. The two first met in a bar. Ji Nanjia accidentally drank the wine made by the bartender for Ouyang. Before Ouyang said anything, Ji Nanjia reacted greatly and walked away, quickly paid the bill and left the bar. . Ouyang felt that Ji Nanjia was very special and remembered her immediately. Ouyang had been abroad before and met many different types of girls, but Ji Nanjia was very unique.

Later, the two met again on the street. Ji Nanjia had a lot of pressure because of the lack of money to buy a house. He drank a few drinks and got drunk. He wandered aimlessly on the main road. Ouyang happened to drive by. He was worried about Ji Nanjia. A person will encounter danger, so I sent her home, so I saw Ji Nanjia's lovely side. Then the two slept together. Ji Nanjia was very embarrassed when she woke up the next day. She didn't know how to face Ouyang, so she kept hiding from Ouyang. He was rejected, but Ouyang would not give up because of this.

He likes Ji Nanjia and wants to make Ji Nanjia his girlfriend. Ouyang is very persistent. In the end, he impresses Ji Nanjia with his sincerity and persistence, and the two get together successfully. In fact, there is Qiao Xichen who can be used as a link between Ji Nanjia and Ouyang, because Ouyang and Qiao Xichen are colleagues, and Qiao Xichen and Ji Nanjia are good friends, but Ouyang only found out about this later. .