本篇文章给大家谈谈对你的爱很美柯雷和罗晴为啥分手 柯雷为何不知他有女儿,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Love For You Is Beautiful", the mystery of Wang Xiaomi's life experience is finally revealed. It turns out that she is really not Wang Dashan's daughter, but Ke Lei's daughter. Why did Ke Lei and Luo Qing break up in the first place? What happened between them, and why did Ke Lei not know that he had a daughter?

It is reported that Ke Lei and Luo Qing broke up because at that time, Ke Lei was not as successful as he is now. At that time, Ke Lei was just a poor boy. After being with Luo Qing, he was deeply worried about their future. Ke Lei felt that he could not afford it. Ke Lei was not prepared for the future of a woman, let alone two people who would have children after marriage. He had no confidence in the future, so Ke Lei broke up with Luo Qing. What people didn't expect was that Luo Qing became pregnant after the breakup. Luo Qing didn't want to kill the child. She grew up in a single-parent family and lacked love and care since she was a child. At that time, Wang Dashan appeared.

Wang Dashan fell in love with Luo Qing at first sight and wanted to pursue Luo Qing. Luo Qing broke the jar and told about her pregnancy. She also said that if Wang Dashan was willing to admit the child, she would go to get a certificate with him the next day. , and Wang Dashan really agreed to Luo Qing's request, and took Luo Qing to the Civil Affairs Bureau the next day. Wang Dashan really loved Luo Qing. After Luo Qing gave birth to a child, he named the child Wang Xiaomi and treated her like his own. He cared for her for more than 20 years and was very kind to Luo Qing. Although the life of their family is ordinary, they are very happy, but this ordinary happiness ended after Wang Xiaomi went to Ke Lei's bar. Luo Qing followed Wang Xiaomi to the bar, and saw Ke Lei. Luo Qing instantly remembered the things before, she was very angry, and argued with Wang Dashan after returning home, but Wang Xiaomi accidentally heard it after returning home, so she knew own background.

Although Wang Dashan was very kind to Wang Xiaomi, Wang Xiaomi still wanted to taste the feeling of being a rich second generation, so she took the initiative to find Ke Lei, but Luo Qing didn't tell Ke Lei about her pregnancy at all at that time, so Ke Lei also He didn't know that he had a daughter. He thought that Wang Xiaomi was here because he saw that he was rich, so he taunted Wang Xiaomi, but he didn't expect that Wang Xiaomi was really his daughter. Ke Lei remembered the harsh words he had said to Wang Xiaomi , the intestines are going to regret it.