据哈哈娱乐网网站「有一种偏执」消息,近日,遇龙命格星君为什么黑化 他之前到底经历了什么事情引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Yulong", Fate Xingjun uses his own power to play with the four people, Dragon King, Liuying, Pavilion Master and Qingqing, and almost everything develops within his expectation, which makes people unable to help Curious, I would like to know why "Yulong" fate Xingjun became black and did these things? In the beginning, Fate Xingjun was very kind to the Dragon King, but now it has become like this, what has he experienced?

It is reported that Fate Xingjun was not bad at the beginning, he was also a simple boy who just wanted to be a god, but Fate Xingjun was not valued by the emperor after being ranked in the fairy class, no matter what he did, he would not get a word Praise, so Fate Xingjun's mentality gradually began to distort. He had a terrible idea, that is, to unify the three realms. If he became the master of the three realms, no one would ignore him, and everyone should respect him. For this reason, Fate Xingjun started his own planning.

Fate Star Lord followed Dragon King and others step by step, and got their treasures, Dragon King's golden armor, Xueqianxun's God-binding net, and Qingqing's natal feathers, all of which came into the hands of Fate Star Lord, but The most important thing to him is Liuying's Zhiyin Primordial Spirit, but it's not the time yet. Her Zhiyin Primordial Spirit can exert its maximum spiritual power until the fourth Liuying is eighteen years old, so fate Xingjun set up the previous trap and asked the Dragon King to protect Liuying III. What he wanted was Liuying's fourth life. When she was eighteen years old, he ordered Xingjun to kill Liuying, so that she could get her most yin soul.

With these treasures and the Yin Yuanshen, Fate Xingjun can unify the three realms and become the only master of heaven and earth, but Fate Xingjun's plan did not succeed in the end, and he was beheaded by the Emperor of Heaven in the end. Fate Xingjun did a lot of evil, hurt so many people for his own selfish desires, he deserved what he deserved, but Liu Ying and Longwang, Xueqianxun and Qingqing had added a lot of hardships because of Fate Xingjun, and their emotional journey was extremely bumpy , the audience is very distressed.