据哈哈娱乐网网站「々帅得哭セ」消息,近日,太空有点烫讲了什么故事 五人开启探索太空的奇妙旅程引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Space is a Little Hot" is a sci-fi comedy produced by Nanpai Sanshu. You must be familiar with Nanpai Sanshu. He is the author of "Tomb Raiders Notes". Now many "Tomb Raiders Notes" have been filmed, so I am looking forward to " Space is a Little Hot" was broadcast, and I was very curious about the story of "Space Is Hot". It is the first space sci-fi sitcom in China. I don't know how it will be after the broadcast.

"Space is a Little Hot" tells the story of Ye Zhihong, the veteran captain of the spaceship, who abandoned the ship and escaped after receiving a revenge signal from his wife. It feels very interesting. If there are too many comedy elements, then the rigor of the plot will definitely not be particularly good. After all, if you want to create a comedy effect, you must make some nonsensical, unrealistic and scientific changes.

Ye Zhihong, the old captain of the spaceship "Bangshanghua", led three astronauts to explore the universe in this spaceship. After receiving a revenge signal from his wife Yulian Chief Astronaut Ke Qi, Ye Zhihong decided to leave the universe. The spaceship, Ke Qi chased Ye Zhihong, and finally achieved the goal of boarding the ship, so the space life in Xanadu was broken.

After Ke Qi came to the spacecraft, he carried out a series of rectification activities. Ye Zhihong and the other three astronauts were deeply affected by it, and many ironic stories happened between them. "Space Is A Little Hot" wants to show everyone a different sitcom model, full of freshness, but this show has not reached the height of a high-quality sitcom, and its overall level is still relatively low.

Many people think that "Space is a Little Hot" just uses the banner of sci-fi and spaceships to attract attention. When the audience sees the word "spaceship", they will definitely find it very novel and want to see what it is about. However, from this drama Judging from the title and configuration of the show, it seems that it is not a serious science fiction film, but more of a funny element. Its main story line is the battle between Ye Zhihong and Ke Qi, which seems a bit childish, so I have a hunch It is difficult to meet the aesthetic requirements of the audience.