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【英文介绍/For English】:

Liang Peiying is the character in "Long Live the Laborer" in "Ideals Shining on China". Liang Peiying dared to resist and fight against the exploiting class, step by step out of the darkness, and strive to move towards the light. Everyone wants to know whether Liang Peiying has a prototype, from the broadcast plot. Look, Liang Peiying, played by Zhang Huiwen, fits the image of the squeezed female worker at the bottom of society very well.

Liang Peiying rose up against the blood-eating capitalists and the dark society to protect the rights and interests of the people at the bottom. Under her influence, Shi Yang came to his senses and decided to become a labor lawyer to speak out for the oppressed workers. The tragic death made Shi Yang yearn for the light even more. He wants to be the light in the eyes of the workers. Wherever he is, there will be no darkness.

Shi Yang is the protagonist of the unit story "Long Live the Laborer", and Liang Peiying is a very important supporting role. The plot begins with Liang Peiying suing an unscrupulous factory. After Liang Peiying was unjustly arrested, Shi Yang stepped forward to stop the injury. He saw the arrogance of capitalists And evil, at this time he chose to stand on the side of the victim and fight against the dark world.

In order to avoid punishment and prevent her from testifying in court, the textile factory that Liang Peiying wanted to sue bribed the prison guards, brutally murdered Liang Peiying in prison, and framed her as dying of tuberculosis. Of course Shi Yang would not believe their nonsense. From that day on, Shi Yang embarked on the road of safeguarding the interests of the working class, but unfortunately he was shot dead by the reactionaries when he was leading the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway strike. He was only 34 years old.

Shi Yang was a real person during the revolutionary period, but Liang Peiying had no prototype. She should represent the vast group of workers who Shi Yang helped, as well as the people at the bottom who were persecuted by the capitalist class. Liang Peiying promoted the development of the plot. Without her, Shi Yang might not have been able to see how dark the world really is. It was Liang Peiying who discovered the light in Shi Yang's eyes. It is for this reason that Shi Yang took up the law of protecting workers' rights and interests. Weapons, bring those evil elements who have killed innocent people and got away with it to court and accept sanctions.