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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Life Family", Qiu Xiaoxia lives with her daughter Qiu Dongna. The mother and daughter depend on each other. Their lives are not very affluent, but Qiu Dongna is very competitive and has been admitted to the CPA by her own efforts. However, Qiu Dongna has always been curious about her life experience, but every time she mentions it, Qiu Xiaoxia hesitates, or immediately changes the subject, which makes the audience feel that there must be some secret in it, so what is Qiu Dongna's life experience in "Life Family" ? Are Qiu Xiaoxia and Qiu Dongna mother and daughter?

In fact, there are many doubts about Qiu Dongna's life experience. Qiu Xiaoxia said that Qiu Dongna's father had died a long time ago, but if this is the case, Qiu Dongna should also follow her father's surname, but Qiu Dongna followed her mother's surname. She has been living with her mother all the time, and every time Qiu Dongna mentions her father, Qiu Xiaoxia's expression is not quite right, Qiu Dongna doesn't even know what her father looks like.

Some netizens speculated that Qiu Dongna's father might be a scumbag. He was found out when he betrayed her when Qiu Xiaoxia was pregnant. That's why Qiu Xiaoxia separated from her husband and chose to give birth to a daughter by herself and bring her up. Because she didn't want her to know Dad is a scumbag, that's why Qiu Xiaoxia has concealed things about Qiu Dongna's father so thoroughly all these years. However, many people also speculated that Qiu Dongna might be Qiu Xiaoxia's adopted child, because they were afraid that Qiu Dongna would know the truth from neighbors or relatives, so they took her to move.

Qiu Xiaoxia loves Qiu Dongna very much. In her life, Qiu Dongna almost occupies everything. Over the years, Qiu Xiaoxia has paid a lot for her daughter. Seeing that Qiu Dongna is getting better and better, Qiu Xiaoxia is very proud and proud. Qiu Xiaoxia hopes that Qiu Dongna will be so happy forever, but Qiu Dongna is always very curious about her father and wants to know about her father. I don't know what kind of situation Qiu Dongna's life experience is guessed by netizens. Let us look forward to the following Drama!