很多朋友对于御赐小仵作三法司和神策军是什么部门 它们真实存在吗和不太懂,今天就由小编铁人儿来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

There are two departments with great power in "Yuci Xiaowuzuo", namely the Sanfa Division and the Shence Army. The emperor attaches great importance to them, but these two departments are in dire straits. Orders, the Shence Army obeys the orders of Qin Luan, the chief eunuch, and Xiao Jinyu and Qin Luan are deadly rivals, so the relationship between the Sanfa Division and the Shence Army is not harmonious. So is there a Sanfa Division and the Shence Army in the history of the Tang Dynasty?

The Sanfa Division is a case-handling department specially set up by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. It is in charge of Xiao Jinyu, the king of Anjun. All criminal and prison affairs in the world must go through the Sanfa Division. Therefore, Xiao Jinyu attaches great importance to his ability to work, and arranges for him to be selected in the capital every year. Those who have the ability to work can stay and serve the court.

Xiao Jinyu was always obstructed by the Shence Army in the process of investigating the case. Behind the Shence Army was Qin Luan, and Qin Luan was someone close to the emperor. Xiao Jinyu did not dare to act rashly. So to get rid of the Shence Army's surveillance, you have to get rid of Qin Luan.

Sanfa Division and Shence Army are real departments in history. Sanfa Division is the collective name of the three central judicial organs in ancient times. Yushi Zhongcheng and Dali Temple Minister were the envoys of the three divisions. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the three divisions referred to the Ministry of Punishment, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple.

The Shence Army was the main force of the Central Beiya Imperial Army in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. Its leadership was in the hands of the eunuchs. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Shence Army seldom went out to fight, which led to the corruption of military discipline. Vulnerable.

It was mentioned at the beginning of the play that after the eunuch supported Xuanzong, Xuanzong handed over the power of the forbidden army to the eunuch, and asked the eunuch to lead the forbidden army to guard the palace. Qin Luan framed Chen Ying and Xiao Heng, and the relationship between him and Xiao Jinyu was very bad. On the surface, it was harmonious, but in fact it was turbulent.