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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Trumpeter is in Place" Lu Zheng's Zhanren company got the 100th missile launch mission, and let Xia Zhuo, Ouyang Jun, Lin Anbang and Yang Wanjin carry out the mission. After pressing the launch button, the 100th missile will be shot, and his name will be left on the wall of honor. Ouyang Jun is unwilling, and finally he becomes the test and launch controller of the backup unit, and Xia Zhuo is in a competitive relationship. I am very curious who launched the hundredth missile, who has the right to launch the missile, Xia Zhuo or Ouyang Jun?

Since Xia Zhuo and Ouyang Jun joined the Rocket Army, they have been competing with each other. Ouyang Jun feels that he is no worse than Xia Zhuo. Whenever he gets a chance, he will compete with Xia Zhuo. Xia Zhuo can beat him every time. Xia Zhuo is his goal, as long as Xia Zhuo can do it, he will do it.

Lu Zheng announced that Xia Zhuo, Ouyang Jun, Lin Anbang, and Yang Wanjin were on the list of the 100th missile launching team. Among them, Xia Zhuo was the test and launch control trumpeter, and Ouyang Jun was the communication trumpeter. Ouyang Jun was a little disappointed when he heard the result of such an assignment. , he turned to look for Lu Zheng, wanting to quit the launch team, but Lu Zheng couldn't persuade him, so he simply told him that there was a backup unit and asked him to be the test and launch controller of the 822 launcher of the backup unit.

The launcher 928 where Xia Zhuo is located is the main unit. If there is any problem with the main unit, the backup unit will be used. This time, Lu Zheng made the two units have the qualifications for equal competition. Whichever missile vehicle arrives at the launch site first, the launcher will be selected. Complete the 100th missile launch mission.

In order to win the right to launch, Ouyang Jun lied and used improper means to let the 822 vehicle arrive at the launch site first. After learning the truth, Lu Zheng ordered the main unit 928 launcher to carry out the 100th missile launch mission, but 928 vehicles appeared. When there was a problem, the HBU light flickered, so it was not Xia Zhuo who pressed the launch button last, but Ouyang Jun.

Xia Zhuo didn't expect that Ouyang Jun would do anything for the right to launch. After this incident, the relationship between Xia Zhuo and Ouyang Jun reached an impasse again.