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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", Buzhen is her younger brother in Mimiguli's mouth. In order to control Mimiguli, Princess Yicheng threatens Buzhen's life. For the safety of her younger brother, Mimiguli can only obey Princess Yicheng So far, Buzhen has not officially appeared on the stage. Who is his actor? Could Shengxin, the secret agent next to Prince Li Chengqian, be Buzhen?

Princess Yicheng is the biggest villain in this drama, and even Mrs. Jinse was arranged by the Great Khan by her side. Mrs. Jinse went to Luoyang according to Princess Yicheng's instructions, with the purpose of killing the prince and causing turmoil. The foundation will be shaken.

In order to facilitate the implementation of the plan, Mrs. Jinse sent the little boy Sheng Xin to approach Li Chengqian. After he gained Li Chengqian's trust, Mrs. Jinse gave Sheng Xin an order to burn Ziwei Palace. In the end, Li Chengqian was rescued, but Sheng Xin did not Completed the task, but he still stayed by Li Chengqian's side. Everyone is guessing whether Shengxin is Buzhen? Because so far, I haven't seen what Buzhen looks like.

Buzhen is like a rope to restrain Mimiguli. As long as Mimiguli hears Buzhen's name, she will make a compromise and be at the mercy of others. Princess Yicheng has Buzhen, which is equivalent to pinching Mimi Guli's life gate, she doesn't have to worry about Mimi Guli being disobedient.

Judging from the current plot, Shengxin is not Buzhen. Buzhen has been in Dingxiang, accompanying the little Sui King. Princess Yicheng will not use this trump card until the end, and Shengxin and Buzhen are not played by the same actor. Yes, so Sheng Xin is not Mimi Guli's younger brother.

Buzhen is played by Zhou Olympic, born in 2008, 12 years old this year, has participated in film and television works such as "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" and "Jiangshan Ji", and is currently an artist of Wenzhou Star Factory.

Bu Zhen should not appear until the end, and Mi Mi Guli is still waiting to reunite with him. In the original book, Mi Mi Guli died in Li Changge's arms. I don't know if the drama version will have the same ending.