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【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Sunshine Robbers" was released on May 1st, directed by Li Yu, starring Ma Li and Xiao Song Jia. The story unfolded because of the loss of a tiger Nana. The film is both funny and warm, especially the ending is even more thought-provoking. Audiences who are familiar with "Sunshine Robbers" know that the story is adapted from the novel of the same name by Japanese writer Kotaro Isaka. Is there any difference between the novel and the movie?

The novel "Sunshine Robbers" by author Kotaro Isaka is a trilogy, including "Inverting the Earth", "Daily and Assault" and "Friendship Test". Readers who like novels must read them in this order, otherwise you will be biased by Yisaka’s style, and you will miss the stalks buried in the previous novels. When reading novels, don’t miss any incongruous words. In the follow-up articles, it will The role played is very large.

"Sunshine Robber" is a hilarious reasoning novel. There are four protagonists, civil servant Naruse, cafe owner Xiangye, single mother Yukiko, and animal lover Jiu Yuan. Their lives are very ordinary from a purely professional point of view, but In fact, they have a common identity, that is, robbers who rob banks. The four of them complement each other, help each other, and plan to rob banks to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, after robbing a bank, their fruits of victory were snatched away by others. The four started investigation work in order to recover the "fruits of labor". In the end, the novel met the expectations of the audience, because they understood that Xiao Fuping is the greatest wealth in a person's life. They put down those absurd and unreliable careers before, and started a new life down-to-earth.

In the movie "Sunshine Robbers", little Song Jia played the role of a zoo breeder. He raised a tiger by mistake, but this process was done secretly. Unexpectedly, the tiger Nana disappeared one day. In order to find the tiger , Song Jia found the pet search agency where Ma Li worked."

Several people started investigations to find the missing tiger, and finally found the tiger in the villa of the rich man Liu Magic, but how to bring it out intact and without disturbing others is a problem, hilarious tiger The scramble has begun. The story is very interesting, the content is very substantial, and the ending is a bit unexpected. I believe that many viewers will be moved by the story.