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【英文介绍/For English】:

There are three main story scenes in "The Trumpeter is in Place", which are Eastern Chuandong University, the Elder Village and the standby bank. Many people are curious about the prototype of Eastern Chuandong University. Which university was the scene of Eastern Chuandong University filmed in the play? There must be many netizens who are very familiar with Eastern Chuandong University, because they used to go to school there, or some people are sitting in the classrooms of Eastern Sichuan University now.

The prototype of Chuandong University is the Qingdao campus of Shandong University. Some students introduced that the villages around the school are very desolate and there are no good-looking scenery. I didn’t expect that "The Trumpeter" would come here to shoot scenes. It is a shame for the people in the school Great thing.

When "The Trumpeter Is In Place" was filmed at Shandong University, the school announced the recruitment of group performers. The crew would start shooting on October 13th and shoot for four consecutive days. Fifty people were needed every day. The requirements for group performances were not very high. High, mainly good image, good temperament, good health, and of course a strong desire to express, shooting ten hours a day, with salary subsidies.

The plot has developed to the present, and there are not many scenes in Shandong University. Except for Xia Zhuo and Liang Nuo's rivalry scene, which was completed in Shandong University, other plots basically took place in the waiting room. After all, the core of this drama is the Rocket Army. The story of the school is the main one, so there can't be too many plots in the school.

Li Yifeng plays the leading male Xia Zhuo in "The Trumpeter is in Place". He is an optimistic, cheerful, smart, and enthusiastic person. He originally joined the Rocket Army to experience it for two years, but in the process of getting along with his comrades, Xia Zhuo's mood has changed. He feels that the Rocket Army is a very powerful army, and it is also the trump card and trump card of the motherland, so he is willing to stay in the Rocket Army to serve the country.

"The Trumpeter is in Place" mainly uses the story of Xia Zhuo's growth to show the great demeanor of the Rocket Army. Xia Zhuo is the epitome of all Rocket Army soldiers, with perseverance and ideals. The pride of all Chinese.