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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Long Song Xing" has a new character on the stage, she is Monan Tujia Princess, eccentric, lively and cheerful, even in the face of the powerful Mobei King, she is not afraid at all, and her kung fu is also very good Well, King Mobei was speechless. He really wanted to know who the actor who played Princess Tujia was. She looked familiar. She was a child actress who played the heroine of a girlhood in many film and television dramas.

The actor of Monan Tujia Princess is Huang Yang Tiantian. She is a very aura girl. She was born in 2007. In 2017, she entered the showbiz with the role of Xiao Chu Qiao in "The Legend of Chu Qiao". She also starred in "Qin Qiao" For film and television works such as "Shi Liren Mingyuexin", "The Wind in Fire in Fire Rising from the Long Forest" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", currently Huang Yang Tiantian is an artist of Jiaxing Media, and Yang Mi and Di Lieba are both her predecessors. She played Di Lieba's girlhood, but she did not expect that the two would collaborate again in "Long Song Xing".

Princess Tujia, played by Huang Yang Tiantian, is the most beloved daughter of King Monan. She is lively, clever, outspoken and cute, and has a little cleverness. It seems that she grew up in a carefree environment. Princess Tujia sneaked out of the house and ran to Mobei. By chance, she met Li Changge and others who went to Mobei to look for comfrey.

Princess Tujia and Li Changge and his party were imprisoned by King Mobei. King Mobei was handsome, young and promising, and exuded the aura of a king. Anyone who saw him would be shocked, but Princess Tujia followed him. Others are different, she doesn't think King Mobei is scary at all, she not only looks directly at King Mobei boldly, but also despises him for being old, which makes King Mobei very embarrassing.

The picture of Princess Tujia and Mobei King getting along makes people feel inexplicable cp feeling. Both of them are very good-looking, with a big age difference. They have a sense of sight of an uncle and a loli. It's also quite good, the cold-hearted Mobei King in front of outsiders has become a little old man who has no power to fight back in front of Princess Tujia, it's very sweet to think about it.