




【英文介绍/For English】:

Finishing in movies originally meant that the finished film had been placed in the film box and was ready to be sent for development. At present, it mainly refers to the completion of the filming part of the film. The term Chuanqing originated in the pre-Qin period. The ancients used to write bamboo slips, but the surface of the bamboo slips is oily, not easy to engrave characters, and easy to be eaten by insects, so they came up with a method, which is to put the bamboo slips on the fire first. , this process is called finalization or history.

Since then, people have used a brush to write on the green bamboo to avoid the process of carving with a knife. Therefore, when finalizing the manuscript, it is only necessary to cut the green bamboo and write on the white bamboo. This procedure is also called "finishing".

In some places, after the filming of the finished film, the staff or producers will present flowers to the actors and directors to express their gratitude for their hard work. After shooting, it enters the post-production stage. Among them, there is an actor who will say that I am done after finishing his own script.

The term "finishing" is now mostly used in film and television production. It refers to the saying that a film and television work has been filmed in the early stage and entered the post-production stage, that is, after the film and television work is "finished", the shooting content has ended.