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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", although Ashley Falcon looks very cold, but everyone who knows him knows that Ashley Falcon is a very loyal and affectionate person. When Ashley Falcon sees himself His adoptive mother, Ayier, obviously missed her very much, and even her eyes were red, but in order to protect Ayier, Ashley Falcon had to show a look of not caring about her. Ashley Falcon thought that by doing this, he could save Ayier from being involved in these power struggles and save her life, but unexpectedly, Ayier died in the end, and it was in front of Ashley Falcon. What episode of "Long Song Xing" did Ai Er die? Seeing Ai'er dying in front of him, Ashle Falcon's emotions collapsed instantly, and Sheer was also very flustered. He actually didn't want to kill Ai'er.

It is reported that Ayier died in the twenty-fifth episode. Ayier obeyed the order of Princess Yicheng to help Li Changge rescue General Luo. They smuggled General Luo out in a wooden barrel. When they returned Ai Er was arrested because of blood on the carriage. Princess Yicheng didn't really want to help Li Changge, she just wanted to use Li Changge to deal with Ashley Falcon and get rid of the falconer. After Sheer knew that Ayier was involved in this matter, she tied her up and forced her to Ashley Falcon knelt down and kowtowed to him.

This has very serious consequences on the grassland. Kneeling and kowtowing to the other party means admitting cowardice. From now on, the Eagle Master will never be able to hold his head up in front of the Wolf Master, which means that the Eagle Master will always be ranked behind the Wolf Master. Ayier does not want to see Ashley Falcon sacrificed for herself. Although Ashley Falcon is not close to her now, Ayier knows Ashley Falcon's difficulties, and also knows that Ashley Falcon did it to protect herself. did this. Since Ashley Falcon can sacrifice for her, she can also give up her life for Ashley Falcon, so Ayier wiped his neck with the knife while Sheer put the knife on her neck.

Ai'er died, and Ashile Falcon was devastated after seeing this scene. For him, Ai'er was his biological mother. The reason he had obeyed the Great Khan for so long was because he had Ai'er in his hand. Son, Ashley Falcon originally thought he could protect Ai'er, but now he let him die in front of him, Ashley Falcon was extremely sad.