本篇文章给大家谈谈小舍得家庭关系详细梳理 南俪和田雨岚是异父异母的姐妹,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Little Willingness" tells the story of "giving up" and "getting". The main characters are Nanli Xia Junshan and Tian Yulan Yanpeng. Their family relationship is very complicated. Nan Jianlong is both Nanli's biological father and Tian Yulan's stepfather, which led to many conflicts between Nan Li and Tian Yulan. In addition, their children are in the same class. Parents naturally have a mentality of comparison. After the plot was broadcast, Nan Jianlong was the head of the family. The relationship is also clarified.

Nan Li's mother, Zhao Na, is Nan Jianlong's ex-wife, and Tian Yulan's mother, Cai Juying, is Nan Jianlong's current wife. Even though Nan Jianlong and Cai Juying have been married for more than ten years, in Nan Li's heart, Cai Juying is the mistress who destroyed her parents' marriage. Tian Yulan's family is very unwelcome, and Tian Yulan fights for Cai Juying. In her opinion, her mother has worked hard and paid a lot for the family. She also took good care of her stepfather Nan Jianlong and should be respected. Therefore, Nan Li and Tian Yulan are gunpowder full.

Nan Li and Xia Junshan are husband and wife. They have daughter Xia Huanhuan and son Xia Chaochao. Tian Yulan and Yan Peng are husband and wife. They have a son named Yan Ziyou, and Xia Huanhuan and Yan Ziyou are classmates. Due to the job change, Nan Li and Tian Yulan have become a relationship between Party A and Party B. In addition, the children are about to be promoted to junior high school, so the conflict between Nan Li and Tian Yulan sisters is on the verge of breaking out.

Nan Li is a strong woman with both career and family. She has a happy life, but only she knows that no matter how successful she is, there will be pressure that cannot be released. Tian Yulan's personality is not very pleasing. She is sensitive and inferior in heart. Always thinking about how to compare with Nan Li, Yan Ziyou failed in the exam, Tian Yulan blamed the teacher, Nan Li was more reasonable than her.

Nan Li and Tian Yulan have been fighting openly and secretly, resulting in a serious imbalance in children's education, which put a lot of pressure on Xia Huanhuan and Yan Ziyou. It was not until the end that they realized that they had to give up some requirements and expectations for their children, so that their children could have a happy childhood. .