很多朋友对于秦海璐情伤怎么回事 虽受伤但从未放弃寻找幸福和不太懂,今天就由小编深海之幽来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun participated in the program "Wife's Romantic Travel". The interaction between the two was very interesting and full of love. But in the end it all ended in failure. Although the love failed, she never gave up the pursuit of happiness. Later she met Wang Xinjun, and the two formed a happy family. Then the birth of her son brought more cheers to the family Laughing language.

Qin Hailu's emotional injury refers to the relationship between her and Li Houlin. The two have been together for four years. Unexpectedly, when she was rushing to the airport, she received a breakup text message from the man. She cried bitterly at the airport, and the follow-up was over. For many years, Qin Hailu was a guest on the "Jin Xing Show", and Jin Xing asked Qin Hailu if she could talk about that famous emotional injury?

After so many years, Qin Hailu has already let go of it. She said yes, and said frankly that she was very devoted to this relationship at the time. She liked someone and would cherish it without mixing anything. But she didn't expect it to be As a result of that, I was really hurt.

Fans are very clear about the relationship between Qin Hailu and Li Houlin. Qin Hailu, who was an actor at the beginning, could sing Peking Opera because she was beautiful, so her talent attracted the rich man Li Houlin. Li Houlin launched a fierce pursuit of Qin Hailu. After a period of time, Qin Hailu agreed to Li Houlin, and the two became lovers. Although the relationship was very good, Qin Hailu wanted to develop her career at that time, but Li Houlin didn't understand it very well. Later, the rich man fell in love with others and broke up with Qin Hailu.

Qin Hailu really didn't expect that the four-year relationship would be broken, especially when the scene of their breakup was very dramatic, and Qin Hailu was very hurt by it. Fortunately, she focused all her energy on filming in the follow-up. Although she also had a relationship with her boss Liu Yan later, this relationship was never clear, and finally ended in a breakup. It was not until Wang Xinjun appeared that Qin Hailu returned to the small Princess.

Wang Xinjun loves Qin Hailu very much, and has been contracting housework and daily affairs for many years of marriage. Until now, Qin Hailu still "knows nothing", and it is also because of this detail that netizens know their emotions.