据哈哈娱乐网网站「水洗晴空」消息,近日,大宋宫词赵恒一共有几个皇后 他最爱的人是谁引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

The love story between Zhao Heng and Liu E in "Da Song Gong Ci" has attracted many netizens. With the development of the plot, Zhao Heng became the emperor, but his queen is not Liu E, although Liu E also entered the palace But she has to face not only Zhao Heng, but also Zhao Heng's many concubines. So how many queens does Zhao Heng have in "Da Song Gong Ci"? Is there any story between Zhao Heng and other women, and who is the person he loves the most?

It is reported that Zhao Heng had a total of five queens in his life, but most of them were not registered during their lifetime, but posthumously named after their death. Among the five empresses, Empress Zhangmu Guo was the first empress of Zhao Heng. She also sat in this seat before she was alive. Although Zhao Heng doesn't have much affection for her, he still respects Queen Guo very much. And Zhao Heng's favorite person is Liu E. Even though Liu E was married when he met Zhao Heng, Zhao Heng didn't mind. Facing the situation where everyone disapproved of them being together, Zhao Heng still Insisting on staying with Liu E and hiding her, the two had a secret love affair for more than ten years. It was not until Zhao Heng ascended the throne and became emperor that Liu E was able to see the light of day again.

After the death of Empress Guo, Zhao Heng immediately wanted to make Liu E the queen, but Liu E's identity was opposed by the civil and military groups of the Manchu Dynasty. Even so, Zhao Heng still insisted. Later, Liu E left Li's child to be raised by her side. Relying on this child who was not her own, she finally succeeded in becoming a queen and stood by Zhao Heng's side. Although Zhao Heng had many concubines, he loved her most Liu E is always the only person in the family.

In this way, Liu E was favored by Zhao Heng all his life. After Zhao Heng died, she became the Empress Dowager, and according to the will of Zhao Heng made before his death, she got the right to listen to the government behind the curtain. Zhao Zhen became the queen mother under the training of Liu E A good emperor, the Song Dynasty also developed better and better under Liu E's governance. Liu E's life is so legendary, and her deeds are also widely spread in modern times.