今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对顾南洲周见清小说结局是什么 两个人在一起了吗进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!





【英文介绍/For English】:

After the broadcast of "So You Are Such Mr. Gu" attracted more and more people to join the army of chasing the drama. Actors, this drama is quite powerful, and many netizens have said the word "really fragrant". Under the science popularization of the barrage audience, everyone also knows that this drama has an original novel, so that , the audience is very curious, want to know the ending of Gu Nanzhou Zhou Jianqing's novel? Did they get together in the end, and what interesting stories did the two experience?

It is reported that Gu Nanzhou and Zhou Jianqing finally got together in the novel. Although the two of them did not meet very well at the beginning, Gu Nanzhou and Zhou Jianqing gradually fell in love with each other in the process of getting along. After some trials, the two finally came together Together. Gu Nanzhou is the president of the Gu family. Although he looks very cold on the surface, he is actually a person who is afraid of crowds. Therefore, Gu Nanzhou always refuses to go to crowded places, while Zhou Jianqing is an energetic girl. Although the process of realizing his dream has been interrupted due to debts, Zhou Jianqing has never let go of his comic dream. Zhou Jianqing dreams of becoming a very famous cartoonist in the future.

Originally, these two people should be incompatible with each other, and they would never have any intersection, but later, because of a will, Zhou Jianqing and Gu Nanzhou came together, and the two got married by contract, and began to live under one roof. In the beginning, neither of them had much interest in each other, but then there were always such and such things that had to be solved by the two of them together.

In the process of getting along like this, they gradually got to know each other, and also changed their initial impression of each other. Although Gu Nanzhou and Zhou Jianqing did not fall in love at first sight, their love story is also very touching. Now that the novel has been adapted into a TV series, everyone is looking forward to the final ending of the two people in the TV series.