据哈哈娱乐网网站「橘生淮南」消息,近日,我的姐姐张子枫原型 现实人物原型是送弟姐姐吗引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

After the movie "My Sister" was released, it gained a good reputation and box office, especially the sister An Ran played by Zhang Zifeng. No one can understand the helplessness and grievance of having to raise a younger brother. Zhang Zifeng played the essence of the character and moved the audience very much.

The prototype of the story of "My Sister" begins with a girl who was 21 years old. In this year, her life as an only child ended. Her parents became pregnant and gave birth to a younger brother. The girl who was in college at the time was very opposed to her parents wanting a second child. You choose one, and in the end the parents chose the younger brother, and the girl has never returned home since then.

The lucky thing for the girl is that her grandparents gave her a house because they thought she was pitiful. Her parents had divorced before, and her mother was worried that the property would be given to another woman by her father, so she wrote the house under her name. The girl With two houses, the parents wanted to return the house to the younger brother, but the girl refused to give it until the parents died unexpectedly, leaving only the younger brother.

Regarding how to raise my younger brother, relatives and friends think that it should be raised by a girl. For this reason, the girl was harassed, beaten and scolded by these relatives, but the girl was determined not to raise her, and gave it to others, because her relatives and friends would not adopt this child. In one day, after obtaining the consent of her aunt, the girl gave her younger brother to a couple in the countryside, and also wrote a written statement that they would never see each other again in this life.

Later, the girl sold the two houses in her hand, went to a big city, met her current husband, got married and had children, and now lives a very happy life.

Compared with the true story in real life, the film "My Sister" has made some changes, first of all about the age of the younger brother, and then about the adoption of the younger brother. The older sister has never signed, and the final movie is also an open ending. It is very in line with the current actual situation, and the audience likes this change very much.