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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", Situ Langlang's appearance attracted the attention of many audiences. He looked very chic and handsome. After meeting Li Changge, there were also many interactions between the two of them. Situ Langlang was very kind to Li Changge, making him People wonder if he likes Li Changge, and everyone also wants to know the real identity of Situ Langlang, so who is Situ Langlang in "Long Song Xing"? What is his background, and does he have a relationship with Li Changge?

It is reported that Situ Langlang's real identity is the guard of the Medicine King, and also the successor of the Yue Nv Sword. He has high martial arts skills, extraordinary skills, and a full sense of justice. In the original comics, Situ Langlang didn't actually play much time. He once saved Li Changge's life, and then he saw her talent and intelligence in the process of getting along, and wanted to take her as his apprentice. Compared with the original work, the drama version has added a lot of Situ Langlang's roles, and at the same time, the interaction between him and Li Changge has also increased, but there is no emotional line between the two. Situ Langlang is Li Changge's master, and they are very Situ Langlang admired Li Changge very much for the pure master-student friendship, and thought Li Changge was a good seed for martial arts.

Situ Langlang played a very important role in Li Changge's becoming stronger. He not only made Li Changge more powerful in martial arts, but also taught her a lot of truths. Li Changge suffered great changes, although she quickly adjusted , and vowed to avenge her family, but Li Changge had been pampered before, and she was still very uncomfortable in many aspects, and she didn't understand. With Situ Langlang by her side, Li Changge's road to revenge is no longer monotonous, and at the same time her mentality has gradually changed.

Although Situ Langlang is usually very humorous and looks a little unreliable, but at critical times, he can still give people a sense of security. Although Situ Langlang is only one of the many characters in "Long Song Xing", he has also won the love of many audiences with his unique personal charm. Everyone is very much looking forward to Situ Langlang's performance in the play in the future. I hope he can There is a happy ending.