最近有很多热心网友都十分关心奔跑吧泰国篇为什么停播 受蔡徐坤事件影响不得不暂停这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「狱血弑杀」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。



《奔跑吧》2023年最后两期邀请了王鹤棣、蔡徐坤还有好久不见的宋雨琦等人也都来到了节目,本次录制地点是泰国,据说这还是协调了蔡徐坤好久的档期才趁着他有空,因此来到了泰国录制学院主题的节目 ,但没想到蔡徐坤直接出现了这么负能量的事情,影响非常恶劣,6月30日晚《奔跑吧》因为蔡徐坤事件影响停播。




【英文介绍/For English】:

The 11th season of "Let's Run" will end with the second episode. Originally, Wang Hedi and Fan Chengcheng were invited to impact the ratings. Unexpectedly, the Cai Xukun incident directly stopped the show. This is the first time since the 11th season that the show was stopped due to guests , Will the Thai chapter of "Run" be broadcast as scheduled this Friday? It was suspended once, and the staff should be rushing to re-edit it.

The last two episodes of the 11th season of "Let's Run" will be broadcast as scheduled on this Friday, July 7th. We have already seen "Let's Run" in the program list of Zhejiang Satellite TV. It is because the internal staff have worked hard these days and are working overtime Add some editing, the key is not to show Cai Xukun, but also to make the content coherent, which is really a test of technology.

In the last two episodes of "Run" in 2023, Wang Hedi, Cai Xukun and Song Yuqi, whom I haven't seen for a long time, also came to the show. , so I came to Thailand to record a college-themed program, but I didn't expect Cai Xukun to have such a negative energy directly, and the impact was very bad. On the evening of June 30, "Run" was suspended due to the impact of Cai Xukun's incident.

The explanation given by "Let's Run" is that due to the adjustment of the program, the content to be broadcast that day will be delayed. Seeing this, netizens directly said that it must be the impact of the Cai Xukun incident. At that time, the paparazzi broke the news that Cai Xukun had a relationship with a lady surnamed C and then had an abortion. In addition, Cai Xukun's mother also filmed and had some money transactions and other issues, which made time exposed. The Cai Xukun incident happened in 2011, and it was only exposed after 2 years. The conclusion given by the marketing account was due to some special reasons.

At that time, Cai Xukun did not respond, and the exposure of the marketing account was too shocking. The "Run" program team would definitely not take risks, so they could only choose to stop the broadcast and re-edit it depending on the situation.

From the first season to the eleventh season, although the "Run" program also experienced some ups and downs, it was generally smooth. I didn't expect it to come out in the end. It can only be said that it took a long time.