据哈哈娱乐网网站「邈若山河」消息,近日,我的人间烟火杨洋结局 和初恋破镜重圆结局不错引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。








【英文介绍/For English】:

The protagonist's feelings in "Fireworks in My World" are very real. Whether it is the joy when they met, the inferiority complex together or the regret after separation, every emotion is obvious in life. Many people would say that Song Yan is an ideal in the world, Such a perfect boy is really rare. Indeed, Xu Qin is lucky. Whether she was a child or an adult, the man she likes has been waiting for her all the time.

The ending of "Fireworks in My World" Yang Yang and Song Yan and Xu Qin solved the misunderstanding and held hands happily. This time, the two treat each other sincerely, don't need to feel inferior, don't worry about having no future, just enjoy the present. Then an earthquake happened, and the two Encourage and save patients together. After going through ups and downs, the relationship between the two ushered in blossom and fruit.

Song Yan and Xu Qin are classmates. When he saw Xu Qin walking by with his head bowed and holding a book, Song Yan couldn't calm down for a long time. He thought that his future wife should be like this. For Xu Qin, as a gangster, Song Yan Yan can stay quietly in the classroom all day, just to quietly appreciate Xu Qin's beauty.

Everything in Xu Qin's native family came to naught because of her mother's fire. From the proud daughter of heaven to the orphan in the orphanage, Xu Qin's heart was closed. Later, it was Meng Huaijin who found her and brought her back to the Meng family. His mother seemed to care about him and let him learn various skills, but in fact, he was mentally suppressed and controlled. Xu Qin was very depressed.

After getting acquainted with Song Yan, Xu Qin can be himself freely. The key is that Song Yan has a warm aura on him, so that he can feel the warmth. Xu Qin secretly plays tricks, and the two communicate like this until they become male Girlfriend, Mother Meng knew about Song Yan's existence, and immediately gave the order to break up.

To Meng's mother, who focused on background and interests, Song Yan was like trash, not worth mentioning at all, and Xu Qin and Song Yan were forced to break up by means of coercion.

Song Yan, who had just broken up, was angry and desperate, but still wanted to use success to let Xu Qin know his determination. He studied hard and was admitted to a good university and joined the special forces as a soldier. Unexpectedly, Meng's mother did not let him go, and designed to frame him. Song Yan let him retire from the army, and then returned to Haicheng to become a firefighter.