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【英文介绍/For English】:

At the beginning of "The Second Season of the Top Floor", there was a scene of a girl rolling down the stairs, and then the plot used flashbacks, starting from a few months before this scene happened, so everyone was very curious and wanted to know what it was Who encountered an accident, and as the plot unfolded, the audience knew that the girl who fell was Luna, so is Luna dead in "The Top Floor"? Luna returned to South Korea despite her mother's obstruction, but ended up with a new round of misfortunes. It really made people angry, but I felt sorry for her.

In fact, Luna is one of the few completely kind people in the play. The main characters in this play have never hurt others, and the only completely kind characters are Shin Soo-ryeon, Min Seol-ah and Pei Luna. In the first season, Shin Soo-ryeon and Min Seol-ah is dead, so only Luna remains. She never bullied others or did anything bad from the beginning to the end. Instead, she encountered a lot of misfortunes, but Luna persisted, but because of her low emotional intelligence, even if Luna was a positive role, she was still not big. Loved by the audience, compared to Zhou Xijing and Xia Enxing, the audience has more of a feeling of hatred for Luna after seeing her being bullied.

Luna felt very guilty after knowing that Min Xueya was killed by her mother. She gave up her good life in the United States and returned to South Korea. This, Pei Luna wanted to stop singing after fulfilling Xueya's wish, and to atone for her mother to Min Xueya, but what was unexpected was that Xia Yunzhe, who was very good to Luna, still betrayed Wu Yunxi's mother and daughter, and stood on the sidelines. On Xia Enxing's side, he also bribed the piano teacher who played for Luna in the art festival, so that Luna would make mistakes and lose to Xia Enxing.

However, although everyone wanted to prevent Luna from winning the award, Luna still completed the performance perfectly by virtue of her own strength. Xia Enxing, who was originally mentally ill, saw that Luna was about to win the award, and was suddenly shocked. After a lot of stimulation, he suddenly went crazy and scratched Luna's neck with the trophy, and then pushed her down the stairs. Luna fell to the ground and her life was uncertain. Wu Yunxi watched Luna's grief, and Hera's palace once again set off a bloodbath. I don't know if the righteous side can win this time?