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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "The Order of Mountains and Rivers", Wen Kexing is the owner of Guigu. Guigu is a place with the title of purgatory on earth. It is very scary. Unexpectedly, Wen Kexing's purpose was to destroy this place. So why does Wen Kexing want to destroy Ghost Valley in "Shanhe Order"? Is there any special reason for this? Has Wen Kexing's goal finally been realized?

It is reported that the reason why Wen Kexing wants to destroy Guigu is because Guigu is related to the death of his parents. When the people in Guigu knew that Liulijia was guarded by their parents, in order to get news of Liulijia, they found Wen Kexing's parents, in order to capture Liulijia, the people of Guigu brutally killed Wen Kexing's parents, and also slaughtered the village where they lived. The young Wen Kexing escaped a catastrophe because he happened to go out, and when he came back, all this in front of him made his eyes tear open. Wen Kexing's mother's appearance was also ruined. If he didn't know that there was a pair of unique butterfly bones on the back of his mother, he would not have recognized that the bloody corpse was his mother.

Later, Wen Kexing ate his father's corpse reluctantly to save his life. Seeing Wen Kexing's behavior, the old Guigu Valley owner thought that Wen Kexing was very suitable for Guigu and should not stay in the human world, so he brought him back. ghost valley. In this way, Wen Kexing became the servant of the old valley owner. Although he was backed by the old valley owner, there are no good people in Ghost Valley. Wen Kexing encountered many bad things. In his memory, since entering Ghost Valley, he There will be no more sunshine in my life.

As a result, Wen Kexing's character has changed a lot. He has been forbearing and strengthening himself, and finally defeated the old valley owner and became the new owner of Guigu. Although Wen Kexing became the owner of Guigu Valley, he felt that a place like Guigu was not suitable to exist in the human world. Since it was Guigu, it should return to hell instead of creating disasters in the world. In the end, Wen Kexing succeeded in realizing his wish, destroying Guigu, avenging his parents, and finally letting go of the big stone that had been pressing on his heart for so many years.