很多朋友对于山河令顾湘是什么人 被温客行捧在手心长大深受宠爱和不太懂,今天就由小编情话听二三来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "The Order of Mountains and Rivers", the relationship between Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu is very interesting. In addition, many other characters in the play have also attracted the attention of the audience. Among them, Gu Xiang seems to be a very important one. character, so who is Gu Xiang in "The Order of Mountains and Rivers"? Let's find out what will happen to her in the end!

It is reported that Gu Xiang is Wen Kexing's maidservant. She was picked up by Wen Kexing when she was a child. Both of Wen Kexing's parents died. Therefore, Wen Kexing planted a deep hatred in his heart and vowed to avenge his parents. From then on, there was no warmth in Wen Kexing's heart, and he changed a little after meeting Gu Xiang. Wen Kexing treats Gu Xiang very well. Although Gu Xiang is Wen Kexing's maidservant, the two depend on each other for life. Wen Kexing loves Gu Xiang like his daughter. Lively and cheerful personality, although her life experience is miserable, but Gu Xiang does not feel inferior because of this, because she has always had Wen Kexing behind her.

The two walked the rivers and lakes, and later Wen Kexing met Zhou Zishu, and Gu Xiang also met Cao Weining. Cao Weining was born in a decent family, righteous, and very responsible. The two gradually developed feelings for each other as they got along. Although Cao Weining knew that Gu Xiang was from Guigu and was in an opposing situation with him, he still wanted to be with Gu Xiang. Cao Weining knew that Gu Xiang had enmity with the famous decent school, and also knew that his master would not agree to be with Gu Xiang, so Cao Weining was going to leave the famous decent school for Gu Xiang.

But just when Cao Weining bid farewell to his master, thinking that he could be with Gu Xiang forever, Cao Weining's master killed him. Seeing Cao Weining die in front of her, Gu Xiang was devastated. She never thought that the two of them would end up like this. Afterwards, Gu Xiang and Wen Kexing were attacked by a well-known decent sect who had ambushed for a long time. In order to save Wen Kexing, Gu Xiang blocked the oncoming hidden weapon with his body, and just like that, Gu Xiang also died.