本篇文章给大家谈谈赘婿宁毅圆房的顺序 他的七个老婆分别是谁,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "The Son-in-law", Ning Yi established his own business empire from a small son-in-law. He kept getting stronger and met many people. Ning Yi found his true love and met many people at the same time. The test, in the original book, Ning Yi had six concubines besides Su Tan'er at the end. Many netizens are curious about the order of Ning Yi's consummation in "The Son-in-law", and they are also very curious about who these wives are?

This TV series is adapted from the novel. In the original book, besides his wife Su Taner, Ning Yi also took Liu Xigua, Zhou Pei, Yuan Jiner, Xiaochan, Nie Yunzhu and Lu Hongti as concubines. The order in which Ning Yi and them consummated the house was not mentioned in the book, it was just mentioned in one stroke, without a detailed description. In the novel, Ning Yi has three wives and four concubines, but in the play, this place has been changed. For the current audience, everyone doesn’t like the male protagonist who is so carefree. Seeing one loves the other, so the TV version of Ning Yi only has Su Tan This is a wife.

Liu Xigua and others have not been deleted. They all appeared one after another, but the emotional drama with Ning Yi no longer exists. Several people and Ning Yi are just good friends. They all helped Ning Yi more or less. Assisted the establishment of Ning Yi's business empire. In the play, Su Tan'er is a well-deserved heroine. The emotional drama between her and Ning Yi is very interesting. At the beginning, the two didn't like each other. Su Tan'er chose to recruit in order to stay in the Su family to do business. Ning Yi got married, and Ning Yi also agreed to leave after helping Su Tan'er get the palm print in order to gain freedom.

But in the process of getting along, the two gradually fell in love with each other. Although Ning Yi is just a son-in-law, his intelligence is not covered. With Ning Yi's help, Su Tan'er quickly took To the palm print of the Su family. When the two were about to reconcile, they were reluctant to part with each other. At this time, Su Tan'er and Ning Yi also understood that the two had fallen in love with each other. Ning Yi stayed, and Su Tan'er was very happy after knowing his decision.