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【英文介绍/For English】:

The third performance of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2" has been recorded. Everyone is very curious about which sisters will be eliminated after the performance this time? And whether the singer who kicked the hall was successful? In this program, the sisters worked very hard to perform, so it was a pity no matter who was eliminated, but as a competition program, there will be elimination if there is promotion, this is inevitable.

On February 3, 2021, the recording of the third performance of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2" was completed, and 20 sisters completed their third stage performance, followed by the elimination list of three males: Chen Yanxi, Dong Jie, Jia Qing, Xianzi , singer Rainie Yang successfully kicked the stadium, and the four sisters regretted leaving the stage in a comprehensive comparison.

In "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2", although Michelle Chen's dancing and singing are not the most outstanding, compared with other sisters, Michelle Chen is in very good condition. She is 37 years old with fair skin, and her round face is very sweet. Smiling is very healing, and she is from Taiwan, China, and she speaks with a whiny temperament, which is really popular with the audience. On the first stage and the second stage, Chen Yanxi also worked hard to overcome the difficulties in singing and dancing. Compared with herself on the first stage, she has made great progress.

Jia Qing attracted the attention of many people as soon as she appeared on the show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2". First of all, her figure is very iconic and her appearance is also very online. In addition, she is very confident herself. Girls like this are very popular. The audience liked it, but they didn't expect Jia Qing to become a comedian in the follow-up program. He forgot to move during the quiz and improvised very funny. In addition, when watching other contestants singing and dancing, Jia Qing spoke a little too confidently, which caused netizens to dislike her. Although it is a good thing for a person to be confident, but if you are too confident, you are conceited.

As a singer, Xianzi also achieved third place in the first stage performance of "Sister Lang 2". The singing voice shown in the first and second performances was also good. Although it is a pity to be eliminated this time, there is still a long way to go. There will be better development.