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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Ling Long", apart from the emotional entanglement between Huo Tu Linglong played by Zhao Jinmai and Yuan Yi played by Lin Yi, there are many other characters whose stories are also very exciting. For example, Yin Zhuang played by Cai Wenjing is also a very important character in the play and has her own independent story line, so who does Yin Zhuang like in "Linglong"? Who will Yinzhuang end up with? Let's find out together!

It is reported that Yin Zhuang and Huo Tu Xin have an emotional entanglement. Huo Tu Xin is the father of Huo Tu Linglong. He and Linglong's mother fell in love with each other. They were allowed to be together, but Huo Tu Xin did not listen to the advice of the elders in the clan, but insisted on marrying Linglong's mother and had Linglong. On the day Linglong was born, Linglong's mother entered the Yanxi Wall, and she never died. Huo Tuxin didn't know why his wife did this, but she left her daughter to herself. For her daughter, Huo Tuxin also wanted to survive.

Huo Tu Xin stayed in the village, but he was hated by the whole village because he broke the rules, and Huo Tu Linglong's birth was not blessed. The father and daughter depended on each other and lived a poor life. Although the conditions were not very good, Huo Tu Xin still gave Linglong the best within the maximum range of his ability, and he also raised Linglong to look like a lively, cute, cheerful little girl. Huo Tuxin sacrificed a lot for Linglong to grow up safely, and next he will usher in his own emotional line. The relationship between Huo Tu Xin and Yin Zhuang is very complicated. Yin Zhuang has not been officially launched yet. I believe we will learn more about their stories after she officially appears on the stage.

Huo Tu Xin already has a daughter, and the relationship between him and Yin Zhuang also made the audience look forward to it. I wonder if the two will be together in the end? At first, many people thought that Yin Zhuang was Linglong's mother, but it was not like that, Linglong's mother and Yin Zhuang were not the same person. The reason why Linglong's mother entered the Yanxi Wall has not yet been explained. I believe there must be a story between her and Huo Tu Xin.